How to Show the Time Left in a Book on a Kindle Paperwhite

Wondering how to show the time left in a book on a Kindle Paperwhite? If you read your books using the Kindle Paperwhite, then one of the customization options that are available to you is to show the time left in the book that you are reading. Let’s say you are reading a horror novel by Stephen King, as an example. You may wish to know how many hours or minute are left before you get through the horror. (Stephen King used to be my favorite author, by the way. I don’t know when, how and why I outgrew him). Anyway, the following is how to show the time left in a book on a Kindle Paperwhite.

Show Time Left in Book on a Kindle Paperwhite

To view the time left in a book on a Kindle Paperwhite, you need to take the following steps;

  1. Go to the book that you are reading.
  2. Click on the top edge of the screen to bring down the screen options.
  3. Click on “Page Display.”
  4. Next, choose on “Font and Page Settings.”
  5. Now, you need to click on “Reading.”
  6. Next you need to choose the “Time left in book,” option.

Do I have this option turned on?

Personally, I don’t have this option turned on on my screen. The only thing that I have on there is the percentage read which is displayed to the bottom right corner of the screen. However, knowing how much time is left before you finish the book that you are reading can be really useful. The only reason that I do not have this option turned on on mine is the fact that I don’t like the clatter. And I have found the option to be less than accurate.

Show Time Left in Chapter on a Kindle Paperwhite

Another option that’s on the same page is the “Time left in chapter option.” Again, you will wish to have this turned on if you are looking to monitor your reading progress. However, this is another option that I have chosen to ignore. The percentage read suffices for me, for the most part.

Do you know how to change the fonts on a Kindle Paperwhite? Follow the provided link to find out how!

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